Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dangerous Animal Discoveries 2

In Africa, a gazelle can outrun a lion. In the Desert, a coyote may want to attack a child because they think that they are easy to catch. Some coyotes live in Yuma in the desert. A bear's claw can tear off anything in its path. Some people call polar bears the white night in Alaska.

Barracudas use rapid charges and dagger-like teeth to capture fish. The largest barracuda lives in the Western Atantic Ocean. It can grow up to the size of an adult man. The most dangerous sharks are tiger sharks, bull sharks, and great white sharks. They cause the most damage to a person.

Komodo Dragons use their claws to bing down large prey such as deer, and wild pigs. A komodo dragon is the size of a adult man. The largest lizard in the world is the komodo dragon of Indonesia. Some komodo drangons live on the Galobagos island. Komodo dragons can kill a water buffalo which is three times it's weight.

Cheeetas are the most fastest land animal on Earth. Cheetas run 68 miles 110 km. per hour in seconds. Wolves take off more slower it's speed is 37 miles and 60 km. per hour. even thow a cheeta is faster but a wolf can out run a cheeta because they wear out quickly. Wolves are long - distance runners, they keep going in their slower pace.

The diferance between a alligators and crocodile is that the crocodiles haves its teeth showing and a alligators teeth are not showing. Female crocs and alligators protect their eggs for 70 to 90 days.

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