Friday, June 18, 2010

Dangerous Animal Discoveries 3

When a Kangeroo is first born it is only 2 inches long. Then when they get older they get there first walk or shall I sat first jump. Kangeroos are endangerd because when farmers see them in there land they kill them.

The grizly bear is the most dangerous bear in the woods in the spring they can eat flowers and berries but they mostly hunt fish and other animals. Bears mite be slow but long distance runners so when there chasing there prey, the prey runs as fast as it can then it gets tired but the bear isn't.

Every snake haves a tube like body, but a greatly in size and length. Some snakes can spit venom like the black - headed sea snake, it is the most poisonous snake of all, its venom is 100 times more poisonous then the deadly taipan. The snake may paralysis and death a human in hours.